
  • 10 Reasons Blogging is Indispensable for Your Business

    10 Reasons Blogging is Indispensable for Your Business

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    Writing informational content or journals and self-publishing them online is considered blogging. Did you know, ‘blog’ is actually the short form of ‘weblog’? When people first started blogging in 1994, they envisioned it like a personal diary. People used to ‘blog’ (and still do) about their thoughts, their daily lives, and things they were doing.…

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  • Best Caching Plugins Compared for WordPress

    Best Caching Plugins Compared for WordPress

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    Website load time is an important determinant of visitor satisfaction. The general rule is the faster a webpage loads, the happier the visitors. In short, increasing the load times of your web pages improves user experience, conversions, and sales.   There are many ways to improve page load speeds, like optimizing images, getting rid of unnecessary…

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  • Notable Brands Who Are Using WordPress

    Notable Brands Who Are Using WordPress

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    All great-looking websites have a few things in common. One, they have great functionality and are well-designed. Second, they make the browsing experience very simple and easy. Third, they are always updated with fresh and great content. Fourth, they are optimized for mobile. Fifth, they are optimized for search engine traffic.    WordPress allows you to…

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  • What Are the Most Important Things to Do After Installing WordPress?

    What Are the Most Important Things to Do After Installing WordPress?

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    Congratulations! on installing WordPress, the world’s most popular content management system. But your work has just started. You have to take many steps now to ensure your website is presentable to the world and ready for visitors. Ensure that these things are done in the website backend before you launch your website. Let us see…

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  • What Types of WordPress Hosting Are Available, and Which Is Best Suited for You?

    What Types of WordPress Hosting Are Available, and Which Is Best Suited for You?

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    A web host is a service that allows a website or a web application to host on a computer system, called a web server. For example, when a visitor wants to go to a website, they enter the domain name in the browser’s search bar. The browser then sends the connection request to the web…

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  • What Factors to Consider When Selecting a Premium WordPress Theme? 

    What Factors to Consider When Selecting a Premium WordPress Theme? 

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    A WordPress theme is a collection of files determining how your website or blog appears to visitors. Depending on the theme, the theme may control everything from the layout of your website to the color of the hyperlinks.    There are thousands of theme options, with varying features and customizations. Most of these themes are free…

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  • Why Should You Keep Your Website and Email Separate?

    Why Should You Keep Your Website and Email Separate?

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    Have you ever wondered why it is recommended to keep your website and email separate? The advantages might not be so clear, but there are clear benefits, as we will explain in this article. A web host may offer customers excellent hosting infrastructure and security, but email is not their strong suit. Let us see…

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  • Why WooCommerce for WordPress is Better Than Shopify for Most Small Businesses?

    Why WooCommerce for WordPress is Better Than Shopify for Most Small Businesses?

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    According to Statista, retail ecommerce sales globally were U. S dollars 5.2 trillion in 2021 and are expected to reach U. S dollars 8.1 trillion by 2026. The numbers will only grow even further as more people connect to the internet and see the benefits of shopping online. Many of the most prominent websites today,…

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  • Why You Should Get a Website for Your Business (and How a WordPress Website Can Help You Get Online in Hours)?

    Why You Should Get a Website for Your Business (and How a WordPress Website Can Help You Get Online in Hours)?

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    A website serves a variety of purposes. We will see why getting a website for your business is necessary, and then we will tell you how a WordPress website can help you get online in hours.  The necessity of a website today   Building a user-friendly and high-quality website involves a considerable investment of time, effort,…

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  • Misconceptions About WordPress: Why Are People Still Hesitant About Using WordPress

    Misconceptions About WordPress: Why Are People Still Hesitant About Using WordPress

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    People have many misconceptions about the WordPress platform but they are unfounded. WordPress is highly suitable for any kind of website. 

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